Pleasant Green Baptist Church
5555 Larimore Avenue Omaha NE 68104

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Our Mission

The mission of the Pleasant Green Baptist Church ministry is to share the good news of Jesus Christ with the people of Omaha and beyond, leading them to faith in Him and growth in His likeness. We are committed to the great commission left by our Savior Jesus Christ that of saving souls and nurturing souls that are saved. Our purpose is to insure that everything that we do be motivated by this one great cause. Our desire is to facilitate a church environment of a quality that promotes excellence in fellowship, function and programs to enhance spiritual enlightenment and development We strive to be comprehensive in ministries that are rooted in Biblical standards, providing quality of service to all who experience them. Our commitment is to be Christ-centered, bible- based and people-focused in every service that we provide. The future vision of Pleasant Green Baptist Church is to expand our current facility to meet the ever growing needs of our congregation and community. By His grace, we are already victorious. To Him be praised.

What We Believe

We believe that all scripture (not some of it) is given under the inspiration of God and useful for teaching, for rebuking, for correcting and training in righteousness (II Timothy 3:15 - 17). It reveals... God the Father Almighty, Creator of heaven and earth, and Jesus Christ, His only son, our Lord: Who was conceived by the Holy Ghost, born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, dead and buried; He descended into hell. The third day arose again from the dead; and ascended into heaven and sits on the right hand side of God the Father Almighty; from there he shall come to judge the quick and dead. It reveals the Holy Ghost, the universal church, the forgiveness of sins; the resurrection of the body and life everlasting, through faith in Jesus Christ (Apostles Creed).


The Pleasant Green Baptist church was started as a mission by the Reverend John Costello on February 10, 1917, with one member, Sister Delilah Costello. The mission was started at 1406 North 23rd Street, Omaha, Nebraska. Five members were taken in at this address. The Mission moved to 1417 North 24th Street on March 6th. It became so large that the membership decided to organize into a church within the Baptist denomination. A meeting was called on June 13, 1917 for the purpose of organizing this effort. On November 17, 1917, the church was organized and named under the direction of a council of ministers and members of various churches and moderated by Reverend William Hall. At that time, the Reverend John Costello was elected pastor of a congregation of 140 members. Some of the first Deacons were: Brother Isaac Swillie, B. Jenkins, WM. Swillie, WM. Bostice, Brother Knob, A. B. Veland, WM. Clayton, and S. Crawford (later to be Minister Crawford). The sequential pastors after Reverend John Costello were Reverends: Z.E. McGee, T. W Stephenson, P.J. Price, J.H. Reynolds, B.J. Sykes, H.B. Brown, H. G. McMillon Jr. and as of October 11, 1998 until present Reverend. Wayne J. Banks. The Pleasant Green Baptist Church was also located at 22nd & Clark Street and 27th & Franklin Street. We moved to our present location 2002 Willis Avenue in May 1972. The sanctuary was remodeled under the leadership of H. G. McMillon Jr. in 1993 to its current appearance. The kitchen was remodeled under the leadership of Pastor Banks in 2007 to its current appearance. Currently, we are embarking on an expansion program to enlarge our sanctuary under the theme “Building for Ministry”. More than anything, we give thanks to God for using Pleasant Green to continue to impact the lives of countless souls and generations of people. It is to God we give Praise, Honor and Glory for the good things He has done.
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